Cutie Zombie Zombiko love♡love Zombie School is a strip-comic parody of shôjo manga. In an alternative near possible future where all the living beings have become zombified, we follow Zombiko, high-school girl searching for her life's true love, in her adventures.

Rating: 15+ for graphic violence

Jeff is minding his own business when out of nowhere he is hit by a car and sent to hell. There he is greeted by Asmodeus who mostly welcomes Jeff to hell and shows him the way to the suburban area where humans live. Unlike what many religions believe, the afterlife only has... (Read more)

A height difference of a foot and above might seem adorable to some, but it usually causes a lot of minor inconveniences. Follow Fishball as she navigates the Malaysian life with her 6'5" geeky boyfriend.

Rating: 18+ for graphic violence, gore, language, occasional nudity, adult situations.

What started as an attempt to learn how to make comics, has since snowballed into a wild adventure. When Evan, Steve, Dale, and Rob couldn't pull a magical sword from a stone individually they tried together, between the four of them they ... (Read more)

Rating: PG-13, some violence and strong language

A geeky comic paying homage to the style of classic turn-of-the-century webcomics like User Friendly and GPF, but in a modern setting. Next to the obligatory nerdy things and pop culture references, there will be long-running adventures and general weirdness as well.

Rating: Mild nudity and graphic, but cartoony, violence

Vlad is a vegan vampire--well, he still eats people, but wants to avoid GMOs and hormones in the blood he drinks. His ska-obsessed roommate/nephew Viktor, also a vampire, and alcoholic werewolf neighbor Lonnie g... (Read more)