Rating: graphic violence, gore, language, adult situations 18+

Rating: Adult Themes. Occasional Violence.

Aging telepath Evil Overlord Xander has traded his youthful dream of using his superpowers to benefit humanity for over-the-hill cynicism, self-imposed exile on his private zoo-for-crazy-people Eynhallow Island, and a serious case of May-December midlife crisis.  And technically it's only kidnapping if she tries to leave.

Rating: PG

The year is 30XX. A millennium ago, the human race was nearly wiped out by a nuclear apocalypse. Through a combination of cybernetics and genetic mutation, humans have evolved and gained astonishing abilities. However, a new power has awakened — the power of the Cyber Soul.  

Rating: 16+, occasional language, not intended for kids or young teens

You look at the webcomic's description and read it. It tells you that you're reading it but doesn't say anything about the comic. You become a little self-conscious. Blink. DRAMA, COMEDY AND UNEXPECTED BULLSHIT. We have timetravel, dream mechanics, parallel worlds, witches and... (Read more)

Rating: PG-13

Godking War – The fantastic adventures of a bizarre never ending saga! Pencolz a punchy boy with superpowers came to fight and battle the opposing forces of evil…Pencolz will meet new friends and enemies, hunt for food, scavenge underground, explore ruins, visit new planets,... (Read more)

Rating: Violence, strong language, death, gore, sports, quantum mechanics

A human stands facing Earth from the other side of the galaxy. This Homestuck/Hiveswap fancomic follows amateur scientist and journalism-enthusiast Luke Wilson as he explores a hostile alien planet. Reader discretion to strong language and an open mind to loose interpretations of quantum mechanics is advised.

For the staff of Narbonics Labs, tampering in God’s domain is just another day at the office. Mad scientist Helen Narbon is ready to show all those fools, ably assisted by geeky lab technician Dave, rifle-toting intern Mell, and Artie the superintelligent gerbil. But Helen has se... (Read more)

Rating: PG-13

When colorful sentient beings re-populate amongst human society, a sudden biological phenomenon within them is causing them to transform into eldritch entities. It’s going to take two unique individuals and their group of friends to look for answers, forcing them to question their roots, look back at their history, and understand their existence.

Rating: PG-13, some violence and strong language

A geeky comic paying homage to the style of classic turn-of-the-century webcomics like User Friendly and GPF, but in a modern setting. Next to the obligatory nerdy things and pop culture references, there will be long-running adventures and general weirdness as well.

Rating: 16+, violence, language, blood, murder, adult situations, mild sexuality

London, 1891: While the police are tangled in the recent line of murders, it may be up to Doctor Henry Jekyll and his mysterious companion to close the case. But when the clues start to point towards old friends, the doctor start... (Read more)